Muslims in the House: November 20 - 24 | Musulmans à la Chambre: 20 - 24 Novembre
Attack at Mosque in Nigeria
MP Robert Oliphant (Don Valley West, ON) rose in the House to express his condolences to the people of Nigeria for the terrorist attack that took place on November 21st at a mosque in Mubi, Adamawa state. MP Oliphant said that it is appalling that the attack happened in a place of worship.
Muslims in the House: November 6 - 10 | Musulmans à la Chambre: 6 - 10 Novembre
Religious Freedom
MP Nicholson (Niagara Falls) made a statement in the House to acknowledge that the Justice Committee voted to keep Section 176 in the Criminal Code, which makes it illegal to use threats or force to obstruct religious service, or wilfully disrupt religious assemblies. He stated that Canadians and religious officials will be able to practice their right to worship knowing that they will continue to be protected in the Criminal Code. MP Nicholson also stated that the Conservative Party has always supported religious freedom as a fundamental right that greatly affects all Canadians, regardless of whether they attend religious services.
Muslims in the House: October 30 - November 3 | Musulmans à la Chambre: 30 Octobre - 3 Novembre
Quebec’s Bill 62
MP Chandra Arya (Nepean, ON) raised concerns regarding Quebec’s Bill 62, which effectively bans face coverings. MP Arya shared his worry that this new provincial bill infringes on the religious freedom of Canadians and will divide Canadians by creating an “us” and “them” dichotomy.
Muslims in the House: October 23 - 27 | Musulmans à la Chambre: 23 - 27 Octobre
Islamic Heritage Month
MP Arif Virani (Parkdale—High Park, ON) spoke about the month of October being Islamic Heritage Month and how it was an opportunity for everyone, both Muslims and non-Muslims alike to learn from each other and celebrate their differences. He also mentioned that it was a time to recognize the contributions Muslims have made to Canadian society.
MP Salma Zahid (Scarborough Centre, ON) also spoke of Islamic Heritage Month and encouraged Canadians to visit mosques and learn more about their Canadian Muslim neighbours.